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U. S. Environmental Protection Agency

Freedom of Information Act

Public Access Portal



EPA has determined that the data failure experienced by its contractor, Opexus, impacted submissions made to this site starting Friday, February 14th through Tuesday, February 18thAll submissions from February 14th through the 18th have been lost. If you submitted a request or appeal during this timeframe, please re-submit a request to us.

We apologize for the delay and confusion this incident created for our requester community.


The Freedom of Information Act is a law that allows any person access to federal agency records. All agencies, including the EPA, have the duty to release records to the public.

To balance the public's right to know with efficient government operations, the FOIA allows EPA and all agencies to withhold nine categories of information from the public if disclosure of that information would harm government or private interests.


First-Time Requesters: Submit a FOIA Request 

  • If you are submitting a request for the first time, you must create an account by registering before submitting your request
  • Trouble creating an account?  Contact

Returning Requesters Submitting a New Request: Sign In

Submit an AppealSign In

Check Your Request Status

  • Quickly see your request’s status



Locate Proactively Released Records

Records you are requesting may already be available.


  • Chemical Data Reporting - the most comprehensive source of basic screening-level, exposure-related information on chemicals available to EPA
  • ChemView  a public portal housing toxic chemical reviews, including Data Evaluation Records (DER). DERs document EPA's review of studies and may include product chemistry, toxicology, ecological effects, human exposure, spray drift, environmental fate, and residue chemistry.  
  • - EPA’s public catalog of available data assets
  • Envirofacts - search environmental information by location
  • ECHO - facilities, enforcement, and compliance history
  • EPA Data - a landing page to explore data EPA data resources

Locate Real Estate Information

Find property records without submitting a FOIA request by searching the following sites. Your search results are identical to results you would receive by filing a FOIA request.

  • MyProperty Portal - allows real estate agents, mortgage banks, engineering and environmental consulting firms, and the public to determine if EPA's holds records on a specific property without filing a FOIA request. The results of this search will be identical to the information you would receive by filing a FOIA request with EPA for these records.
  • Envirofacts - search environmental information by location


About the FOIA    at EPA at